How Perfectionism Cost Dickens Christmas Carol Profits

“When Dickens received the initial receipts of production and sale from Chapman and Hall, he found that after the deductions for printing, paper, drawing and engraving, steel plates, paper for plates, colouring, binding, incidentals and advertising and commission to the publishers, the ‘Balance of account to Mr Dickens’s credit’ was a mere £137.”

Fonzie As Capt. Hook In Liverpool: Must Be Panto Season

“Pantomimes — recastings of old children’s stories with vaudeville, audience participation, puns, singing and cross-dressing — are an honorable, even essential, part of the British Christmas season. Meant to appeal to all ages, they are enduringly popular, flamboyantly silly and, if done well, hugely lucrative. They often feature big stars.”

New Organ Makes Music With Leather, Oak, Lead And Tin

The Craighead-Saunders organ in Rochester, N.Y., “is a nearly exact copy of a late Baroque organ” in Vilnius, Lithuania. “Modern instruments take advantage of technologies that have given organ-makers generations of new tools and materials, like air compressors, composites and the electric circuit. But before all that, the builders did it another way.”

Santa And The Tooth Fairy Help Kids Grapple With Reality

“For years, imagination was thought of as a way for children to escape from reality, and once they reached a certain age, it was believed they would push fantasy aside and deal with the real world. But, increasingly, child-development experts are recognizing the importance of imagination and the role it plays in understanding reality.”