Encyclopaedia Britannica Seeks Oldest Complete Set

The Encyclopaedia Britannica is “launching a quest to find the oldest complete set in private hands. Put together in the back streets of Edinburgh by an editor, an engraver and a printer, the first version of the encyclopaedia was released in weekly sections – costing six pence each, or eight pence if printed on smart paper – from July 1768.”

When The Artist Wants You To Move The Ceiling

“Contemporary art often demands much of its viewers with imagery or performance pieces so avant-garde they can be difficult to understand,” but “it is often museums and art galleries that face the biggest hurdles to stay on the cutting edge of the art world.” New York’s New Museum is lowering a ceiling by 2 feet for an Urs Fischer show.

Sotheby’s To SEC: We Can’t Give Details On Executive Pay

“Sotheby’s said it can’t disclose the specific criteria it uses in setting executive pay because that would give an unfair advantage to closely held rival Christie’s International. … Amid calls for more corporate transparency, Sotheby’s case illustrates the challenges of a publicly held company when it has a closely held rival.”