E-Books Won’t Vanquish Print (Thanks, Marshall McLuhan)

“Movies didn’t finish theater. TV didn’t destroy movies. E-books won’t destroy paper and ink. The Internet and e-books may set back print media for a while, and they may claim a larger audience in the end. But a lot of people who care about reading will want the feel, the smell, the warmth, the deeper intellectual, emotional, and spiritual involvement of print.”

A Creator Dukes It Out With A Teen Pirate, Via E-Mail

“Hey there!” Jason Robert Brown wrote to each of 400-odd people offering his sheet music free online. “Can I get you to stop trading my stuff? It’s totally not cool with me. Write me if you have any questions, I’m happy to talk to you about this.” And he included his e-mail address. Most quickly complied, but one teen worshiper of the composer was a case study in intransigence.

Arts Council Of Wales To Cut Roster Of Funding Recipients By One-Third

ACW “plans to award core annual funding to 71 organisations, including four that have not had [revenue-funded organization] status in the past. … But under the plans, 32 arts bodies including Beaufort Theatre, Gwent Theatre and the Hay Festival of Literature and the Arts will lose their regular core funding at the end of next March.”

Historian: Plato Embedded Messages In 12-Note Scale

When the texts are divided into 12ths, “‘significant concepts and narrative turns’ within the dialogues are generally located at their junctures. Positive concepts are lodged at the harmonious third, fourth, sixth, eight[h] and ninth ‘notes’, which were considered to be most harmonious with the 12th; while negative concepts are found at the more dissonant fifth, seventh, 10th and 11th.”