It’s Official: Bernadette Peters And Elaine Stritch To Join B’way’s Little Night Music

“In an unusual bit of major star re-casting on Broadway, the actresses … will join the current revival of A Little Night Music in July to take over the roles of Desirée and Madame Armfeldt, now played by Catherine Zeta-Jones and Angela Lansbury.” Says Stritch of the idea, “No one is going to own up to it until they see how I do.”

Josephine Baker’s Château Becomes A Memorial

La Baker “is a gilded banana skirt and a feathery hairpiece, a spit curl and a sculpted brow – not the rumpled woman in a bathrobe, dark glasses, and shower cap in the photo in the kitchen at the Château des Milandes,” which had just been repossessed. The estate’s current owner has made the house into a monument to the singer and the extraordinary activities she undertook there.

Sydney Opera House, Safety Hazard

“Anyone who spends any time at the Opera House and here on the forecourt is aware of the multiple incidents that happen here on a daily basis,” Opera House CEO Richard Evans said. “There have been 200 reported incidents, many of which have necessitated ambulances coming … many of these people are tourists, and then ended up getting flown home. It’s really not a great situation.”

Love Story, The Musical (Tissues For Sale In The Foyer)

“[H]owever lethally misleading the famous line about love meaning never having to say you’re sorry, the story has legs. Mawkishness is counteracted by the timeless theme of defiant youth and the astringent stroppiness of the working-class heroine Jenny Cavilleri, taking on her preppy boy-man and slapping him about verbally until he grows up.”