Feds Ask: Does Cincinnati Ballet Dancer Deserve A Visa?

“According to Ballet spokesperson Missie Santomo, the Immigration Service is delaying visa renewal and has asked for specific evidence that [Liang] Fu has achieved ‘distinction’ through a high level of achievement in his field, substantially above that ordinarily encountered, and an explanation of why an American dancer could not bring the same ability to the stage as Fu.”

A Crash Course On Choreographer Robert Cohan

“Once the mainstay of Britain’s premier modern dance company, his works are now rarely seen. His model was Martha Graham, and both his choreography and his teaching were founded on her dance technique: weighted, expressive, driven by the spine and pelvis. But they are less expressionistic, and often based around a social situation rather than a psychodrama….”

In Oxford Poetry Race, Candidates Use Their Words

“‘I thought it might be oh-so hip / to win me a professorship, / and so I thought I’d write this note / to woo, to wow, to win your vote,’ writes Robert P Lacey, a medic who says if he were to be voted in by Oxford graduates, he’d write a poem a week and post it online, and also ‘form another, smallish prize / for poetry that please my eyes’.”

Jazz Pianist Hank Jones Dies At 91

“Praised for the feather-soft precision of his touch, Jones was equally adept at unleashing the piano’s full, orchestral gamut of sounds. Rhythmic lift and propulsive swing were inherent to his playing…. And his deep understanding of harmony was the foundation for a skilled mastery of the diverse material in the Great American Songbook.”

Studios’ Video-On-Demand Dreams Confront Reality

“Hollywood cleared a legal hurdle when the [FCC approved] ‘selectable output control,’ which can reach into a customer’s home video player and turn off its video outputs while a pay-per-view program is being watched, to prevent the program from being copied.” But so far, cinema owners’ opposition has kept studios from releasing films for home viewing before they’re on DVD.