Norton Simon Museum Makes Way For Goslings

“[T]he geese were first spotted crossing Colorado Boulevard during a harrowing rush-hour escapade Thursday morning. … But once safely across the busy boulevard, attempts to gently herd them around the building to the pond didn’t work. So a mad dash across the lobby, past the Ellsworth Kelly painting and the Henry Moore bronze, was the only solution.”

David Koch: Naming Rights Should Be Renewable Resource

“Naming rights have factored into many of Mr. Koch’s charitable gifts, and the industrialist has recently embarked on a campaign to ensure others will have similar naming opportunities available. Mr. Koch has imposed a legally binding expiration date on the naming rights attached to one of his biggest gifts, so that the rights eventually can be resold, he said.”

Kindle Will Have Separate Bestseller List For Free E-Books

“A representative at [Amazon] has confirmed that the company will be splitting its Kindle bestseller list, creating one list for paid books and another for free titles. … Currently the top ten bestselling titles on Amazon’s Kindle bestseller list are free downloads, a fact that speaks to how publishers are testing the free model to get attention for certain authors.”

Doris Eaton Travis, Last Of The Ziegfeld Follies Girls, Dies At 106

She began her showgirl career before her 14th birthday and kept going, along with her sisters, until the offers dried up with the onset of the Depression. “Eight decades after her initial bout of fame, she again found an audience … when she appeared with four other graying Ziegfeld veterans” in the first of a dozen annual theatre benefits.