With Native American Art, Using Museum Display to Transcend Stereotypes

“Everyone who visits a museum display about American Indians ‘wants to see feathers, tepees and horses,’ Kevin Gover, director of the National Museum of the American Indian, lamented recently in his Washington office. But new installations at NMAI’s New York facility, as well as at the Denver Art Museum and Brooklyn Museum, are out to prove, in Mr. Gover’s words, that ‘Indians are not what you think they are’.”

Academics Argue That Eurovision Song Contest Is Crucial Cultural Signpost

“Scholars increasingly see Waterloo as a pivotal event for Europe. The song, that is, not the battle. … Instead of focusing on musical merits, they examine issues like ‘the concept of European community’; victories for ‘culturally peripheral nations’; and a ‘pan-European identity’ fostered by the contest’s ban on voting for one’s own country.”