Choreographed Slam-Dancing

“During a recent rehearsal on the Lower East Side, the choreographer and dancer Jody Oberfelder came tearing across a small studio like a downtown banshee. Her bright magenta hair was tucked under a striped crash helmet … She was soon joined by similarly dressed dancers, pushing and banging into one another with abandon as if in a mosh pit at a punk concert.”

It’s 2010 And Charles McNulty Has Just Seen ‘Cats’ For The First Time

“But how could I have missed this feline phenomenon? Me, an honest-to goodness cat-person, always bunking with a few lovable rescues and unable to resist preparing a wet-and-dry banquet for any stray sneaking into my backyard. More to point, how could I have turned a blind eye to a show that set the touristy tone for Broadway for more than a generation?”

The Boston Public Objects, Loudly, To Library-Closing Plan

“One man said that he was a prison librarian while serving time in Walpole and that closing any library branches would be far worse than any of his crimes. ‘I may have robbed a bank, but I have never burned a book,’ said the man, John McGrath. ‘And that’s what you do when you close a library branch, because they are never going to reopen.'”