Moscow State Radio Symphony Does Bus-And-Truck Tour Of US

It’s a far cry from, say, a Berlin Philharmonic visit. “On their nine-week tour, these Muscovites are slogging to Ashland, Ky.; Quincy, Ill.; and Zanesville, Ohio, often riding buses for up to seven hours, moving from highway to budget hotel to concert hall, and then all over again the next morning. They have a day off every two weeks, on average.”

Bigger Than A Bivouac: Getting War And Peace Onto An Opera Stage

“In an operation that involved a container ship, 2 cranes, 6 weeks on the open seas, 17 trucks, 57 workers, 137 crates of costumes and wigs, 8,000 nuts and bolts and 20,000 pounds of hanging scenery, the gargantuan Mariinsky Opera and Orchestra production of Sergei Prokofiev’s opera has been imported from St. Petersburg and reassembled on the stage of the Kennedy Center Opera House.”