A Chief Of Staff Spreads Poetry Through The Senate

“And so it is that he began lobbing poems into the e-mail inboxes of every chief of staff in the Senate.” The poems, by writers like Dickinson, Rilke and Williams, are “intended to get his BlackBerry-addicted, tunnel-visioned, life-as-a-treadmill colleagues to think about the ‘huge dimensions of life that get shortchanged’ in the grinder that is Capitol Hill.”

German Obama Musical: Brechtian, No. Alienating, Yes.

“‘Hope,’ a musical that tells the story of Obama’s election, had its premiere at Frankfurt’s Jahrhunderthalle on Jan. 17. … Parts of it are so silly they have to be seen to be believed. Cringe-making moments include a love song between Michelle and Barack, the president-to-be dressed in a gray V-neck cardigan with a large diamond pattern.”