Fifty years ago, Osbert Sitwell’s autobiography was widely acclaimed “as one of the masterpieces of 20th-century writing in English. Today most of Sitwell’s works, including the autobiography, remain in print, but only in expensive library editions available on special order, and it is doubtful whether many people read them.” Now a new biography. – Boston Globe


Amid the valedictories for Charles M. Schultz and “Peanuts,” a dissenting view: “No one under the age of 30 or 35 reads “Peanuts” at all. Why should they? To convey what is so magnificent about Schulz’s achievement, it’s necessary to look at just where his comic strip went so catastrophically wrong.” New York Press


The biggest thing to happen to music in this century was its evolution into a soundtrack for living. “Before recording, nobody realized how much empty space there was in the world, at work, at home, in the car and bus, in the exercise room and at the neighborhood bar and restaurant, waiting to be filled with music.” – Toronto Globe and Mail


Time was when classical recording companies vied for any technical advantage. All that’s changed in recent years. Decca was the last to go, selling off its equipment to a pair of entrepreneurs and this week releasing the last of its home-reared sound engineers. An era ends. – London Telegraph


Maybe technology has led to some self-indulgence in modern architecture. But: “historians will surely draw parallels between the computer-driven proliferation of architectural forms at the end of the millennium, and the formal cornucopia that followed the advent of representational tools such as perspective during the Renaissance and projective geometry during the baroque era.”  Architecture Magazine